Afrriicaaaaaa! Big things happening in Hollywood this Awards season. Chiwetel Ejiofor and the beautiful Lupita Nyong’o have just been announced as nominees for their roles in 12 Years a Slave (which just won best film at the Golden Globes). More on the nominations plus videos of recent appearances by the two after the click.

How exciting!! 12 Years a Slave recieved a well deserved 9 nominations for the 86th Annual Academy Awards, including a Best Director nod for Steve McQueen, Best Picture nod, Best Actor nod for Chiwetel and Best Supporting Actress nod for Lupita. Tune in to the awards to find out who wins when it airs on March 2, 2014.
Here’s a video of Lupita Nyong’o recently on Jimmy Kimmel:
She was so personable and down to earth. Loved it. lol @ Jimmy Kimmel’s Justin Beiber comment.
Chiwetel Ejiofor recently visited on Ellen:
Have you seen the movie yet?