MI claps back plus Ese isn’t really here for that “save her” stuff; more of today’s most interesting stories after the jump.

Today’s issue of GIIST:
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Hey, Lola here, creator/writer of GIIST. In case you’re new here and wondering what it’s all about – each day, I read lots of news stories swarming the net related to Nigeria, Africa and/or pop culture. From the hundreds of news pieces published, I pull only the most interesting stories of the day and distill it for you in a delightful daily email that goes out each morning (like what you see above). The email is a fun, fresh read to get you up on what’s happening. And guess what? It’s FREE.99.
By now you’re probably thinking – “Amazing, a free and friendly way to get the most interesting news stories delivered to my inbox?! Wow, where do I sign up.” Easy – subscribe below (and thanks!)